What\’s New?
November 15th, 2006 – Central Florida Inkslingers!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.21, 2006, under What\'s New?
We met at the Big Boy restaurant in Altamonte Springs and exchanged art and ideas. Here is a drawing of one of the participants.
November 15th, 2006 – Teach-In, Maitland Middle School!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.21, 2006, under What\'s New?
Wednesday morning I was invited by Donna Just of Maitland Middle School to come out and speak to an art class as a part of Teah-In. I spoke to two classes of creativity and how to find and use it.
The classes and I created a character in each class. ‘Jesse Kelly’ is one of them. I asked the class a number of questions of the students favorites. The answers were: Cook, panda bear, Jesse and Kelly. Combining the list, we created the character, ‘Jesse Kelly’.
November 12th, 2006 – Busy Sunday!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.14, 2006, under What\'s New?
Started out at the Suncoast Inkslingers meeting at the Belleview Biltmore just south of Clearwater. Then on to a Tampa Comic Con where I was hoping to reunite old friends who lost track of one another. Former St. Petersburg Times artists Jim Ivey, who now lives in orlando, and Jack Barrett, who still lives in St. Petersburg, were to meet for the first time in nearly 25 years. Unfortunatley Jack fell ill. I’m still going to try to get them together someday. For right now they will speak by phone.
At the Con I took the opportunity to catch up a bit further with my old friend and teacher Jim Ivey. I also spoke to friends Geoff Brenneman and Jesse Hansen.
Back across the Courtney Campbell Causeway to the comic book store, Emerald City. Picked up some books including the newest issue of ‘Illustration’ magazine. What a great and inspiring magazine!!!!
Back again across the bridge and got with my brother Jeff over at Kojak’s Bar-B-Que in Tampa and created a retirement card for one of our servicemen from MacDill who is retiring after 24 years from the Air Force.
All of this and no sketches! I do have this photo of Jeff and the retirement card!
November 8th, 2006 – Illustration Friday – Smoke!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.08, 2006, under What\'s New?
Week three of this and the word of the week is ‘smoke’.
November 7th,2006 – Precinct Art!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.07, 2006, under What\'s New?
Went to vote today. Here’s a multi-second sketch of the fellow looking up my name on the voting rolls.
November 5th, 2006 – Fiesta in the Park!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.07, 2006, under What\'s New?
I spent the day at Lake Eola in Orlando volunteering for the arts and crafts event, ‘Fiesta in the Park’. I was stationed in our ‘Fiesta’ headquarters tent. It was a busy and long ten hour day. However, sometimes there were quiet times. I drew this of another busy fellow at the lemonade stand across from our tent. This kid did a great job. he was chopping lemons, pouring water, mixing sugar and passing out drinks.
November 3rd, 2006 – Pre-Wedding Event!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.07, 2006, under What\'s New?
Drew caricatures at an event Friday night. Dr. Jill Norburn, of the University of Central Florida, was taking pictures and took a slew of photos of caricatures drawn at the event. Of course, despite 27+ years of drawing caricatures, when I draw a caricature of an individual the subject keeps them. Soooo, I have very few examples of caricatures drawn at events. The advent of digital cameras is starting to change that. Many thanks, Jill!
This was my favorite of the lot. John is as much a fan of philosophy as I am. He also has a penchant for Tolkein’s Middle Earth. He is also a corporate lawyer in Pennsylvania. Here’s my depistion of all of that.
October 26th, 2006 – Springs Festival Meeting!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Oct.26, 2006, under What\'s New?
I was at the wrap-up meeting and
luncheon. Here is another drawing of a fellow I drew earlier. This is afront view. I still don’t know the fellow’s name. I do know he’s involved with the glass-bottom boat rides at Silver Springs. The other drawing is of Steve Specht, who co-chaired the event.
October 21st, 2006 – Steak ‘n Shake!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Oct.23, 2006, under What\'s New?
After donating my time at an event in College Park in Orlando, meet up with my father at a Steak ‘n Shake. Here he takes in a strawberry shake.
Materials: Ballpoint pen & placemat. 🙂
October 18th, 2006 – Jim’s Barber Shop!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Oct.19, 2006, under What\'s New?
Finally! Got a haircut! Been having to put it off until I was going to be near Jim’s Barber Shop on Church Street in Downtown Orlando. Why Jim’s? ‘Cause he’s the best!
Jim gave me my very first haircut a long, long time ago. I wandered away and finally found Jim tucked into a parking garage about 16 years ago. People always compliment my haircut (After I finally get one) and Jim is the fellow who does it!
About the drawing. Had trouble getting his head and arms as he moves quickly and I’m trying to catch the action. I didn’t do that great a job of it and did poorly with the arm and head position. That’s what all of this sketching is all about.
October 18th, 2006 – Orlando Remembered!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Oct.19, 2006, under What\'s New?
Here’s a real, real quick drawing of Orlando Remembered member, hero of the Orlando Christmas Star and all around good egg, Jack Kazanzas at the Orlando Remembered meeting at the Orange County Regional History Center.