November 3rd, 2006 – Pre-Wedding Event!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Nov.07, 2006, under What\'s New?
Drew caricatures at an event Friday night. Dr. Jill Norburn, of the University of Central Florida, was taking pictures and took a slew of photos of caricatures drawn at the event. Of course, despite 27+ years of drawing caricatures, when I draw a caricature of an individual the subject keeps them. Soooo, I have very few examples of caricatures drawn at events. The advent of digital cameras is starting to change that. Many thanks, Jill!
This was my favorite of the lot. John is as much a fan of philosophy as I am. He also has a penchant for Tolkein’s Middle Earth. He is also a corporate lawyer in Pennsylvania. Here’s my depistion of all of that.