February 8th, 2007 – Illustration Friday-Sprout!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Feb.08, 2007, under It Takes a Village, What\'s New?
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by Rob Smith, Jr. on Feb.08, 2007, under It Takes a Village, What\'s New?
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February 8th, 2007 on 10:05 pm
haha…fun one!
February 13th, 2007 on 7:22 am
Now Rob, have a heart! Are you talking about the Astronaut Love Triangle with Lisa Nowak?? Poor thing. What a girl does when she is in love. Why I remember trying to win a man over with homemade pies, cobblers, cookies, muffins and fozen 7-11 coffee drinks. She far passed me up in the love a devotion department! She was declaring her love! Now, if she was in her RIGHT mind, she should of gone after the man who was pulling at her heart strings. That Bill Oefelein looks like a double dipper. Why are women always tring to kill each other?? Remember the movie 9 to 5?? Remember how the 3 women banned together to put “THE MAN” in his place?? I am going to try to get some sleep now. ZZzzz………..Good Night!