July 31, 2008 – To Clewiston!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Jul.31, 2008, under Florida Restaurants
We made our way south to Clewiston for research and exploring. We made a lunch stop at the Orange Box Cafe in Frostproof. The restaurant is part of Frostproof Groves orange juice packing and juice palnt. Above are cabbage palms I saw outside the restaurant window.
We made it down to Clewiston and stayed at the Clewsiton Inn. We learned when we got there that the legendary ‘Old South Bar-B-Q’ had been revived by the owners of the Clewiston Inn and made a part of their restaurant. Better yet is that the owners were able to secure one of the original cooks from ‘Old South’. WHAT GREAT BAR-B-Q!!!!!