September 2, 2008 – Coming Home from the Swamps!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Sep.02, 2008, under Florida Restaurants
We went from Kathy Wolf’s to meet up with old friend, Rob Labby, for breakfast. The original idea was to to do that near his home in Century Village in Deerfield Beach. However, Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden was giving a campaign speech next to the restaurant. After circumnavigating the Secret Service, it was decided to head to Denny’s. A Denny’s coffee pot is to the left. Later we headed to his home and he showed us a 1988 short he did with actor Bill Daily for Brevard County tourism. It was a great visit with Mr. Labby and we look forward to the next!
On the way home we made many stops at the Jupiter Lighthouse, the House of Refuge, The Desert Inn, etc. We ended up at The Catfish Place for dinner. The wrapped silverware is to the left.