Rob's Blog

October 14, 2008 – Editorial Cartoon Tuesday!

by on Oct.14, 2008, under What\'s New?


A friend wrote to me about the difference of college between these two. The educational list ignores the uses of the education. Though McCain did poorly in the Naval Academy, he’s spent the decades since as a distinguished bi-partisan member of Congress. Obama, nearly a career student, jumped from finishing college in his 30s to being a paid community volunteer.  Then basically job hopping in politics for a few years before somehow getting in his head that he was qualified to run for President. Shows what a good talker can do in ten years from college to Senator. Makes me also concerned what Billy Mays is planning. At least Billy Mays has a track record you can follow!

1 comment for this entry:
  1. Rob Smith, Jr.

    I hate to say it, but you are as far out as Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is running for our Vice Presidents position and could possibly be our president. Reverend Wright is preaching to a crowd of people who may be somewhat
    disillusioned with the way things are going in this country. His speech is radical, but he may have some grounds for it. Anyways he has absolutely no chance of becoming our
    Commander in Chief, and to say that he has influence on Obama is like saying you have influence on me or vice-versa.
    Sarah Palin reminds me of some unscrupulus sales person who would try to convey the impression he or she is highly knowledgeable about a product and is not. Just so he or she
    can sell it to you, regardless of the consequences.

    Marvin Bennett

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