October 18, 2008 – Books- Florida Transportation!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Oct.18, 2008, under Books, Florida History!
I just finished three books on transportatiion in Florida: The First Seventy-Five Yearws of School Transportation in Florida, The Railroad that Died at Sea and a book that was written by our friend, Bob Bass, When Steamboats Reigned in Florida.
The school tansportation book was very interesting in that the idea of helping children to school started as neighbors helping neigbors to get to school. Not long after the car was manufactured, bureaucracy set in and parents found thier children being ripped from the local school to a new consolidated community school to save money and help implement the need for bussing, The author writes as if this was all needed to be done. Overall, the book is very, very interesting and very well written for a self-published book.
The Railroad that Died at Sea is THE book on the subject of Flagler’s Folly to build a train to Key West. Les Standifrod’s version in more illustrious, but the facts are better presented in this long out of print book
Bob Bass’ new book really brings you to the indivdual steambats. Where they travelled and how they were used. He covers the Kissimmee, the Ochlawaha and the Apalchicola specifically.
November 23rd, 2008 on 8:03 am
Hey Rod & Sandra,
Many thanks for buying and reading my book.
It seems to be going very well in sales. I had a signing yesterday at the Osceola County Historical Society and had a great crowd.
How do you and Sandra maintain so many web sites?