Rob's Blog

October 28, 2008 – Editorial Cartoon Tuesday!

by on Oct.28, 2008, under Editorials


Poor Barabra West of Orlando’s Channel 9. Her questions were tough and Biden was flummoxed. It’s been an easy ride for Biden and this was unexpected. He’s been around enough to know better and be better prepared. I thought he was better than that. I think it just shows that the Obama team is so relaxed that they’re only thinking beyond November 4th.

Though I disagree with some of his political views, I’ve always liked Joe Biden. I had thought he would have been the best choice for this season’s Democrat Presidential race. I’m trying not to judge him just on so many months of campaigning, but maybe I’ve too often ignored his off handed comments and klunky interview style.

The actions of the Obama camp to freeze Channel 9 from any further communication with the campaign is a pretty sick reaction. I hope it’s not a precursor of things to come, though Obama has been like this in the past.

I love the way West was entirely professional during the interview and kept her expression straight and focussed.

1 comment for this entry:
  1. Jo Ann Fenstermacher

    Greetings! This is a very passionate election. Although I am not interested in Obama or McCain, I did throw my vote behind Obama.

    All this talk about evil “Socialism” is driving me crazy! My BA is in Sociology. Sure, Karl Marx was dubbed the father of Sociology. The Study of Sociology = the study of Society as a whole. Socialism is a part of this. Weather or not we like it, we live with aspects of Socialism in our every day lives! FRD was often called a communist. No, he was not. He understood that people wanted jobs. People wanted to work. People wanted to know that their hard earn dollars were going to be safe in the banks. Anything wrong with that? It was not long ago that employees were paid with “store credit ” They ended up owing the store! No over time. Children were working in Factories, not in school. Women were not allowed to vote. People worked 7 days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day. The fat cats that owned these businesses did not give a damn about the people who were making them rich. TR & FDR saved this country! Banks & the Rail Road HATED TR because TR did actually care about the people. Anti-Trust laws, child labor laws. Yes, those are Socialistic ideas. With out FDR, we would of never made it out of the depression. Thanks to FDR, we have Route 66, our interstate highways, roads to & from out National Parks, the CCC, WPA, etc…. The man was amazing. TR was hated by young corporate America. In my eyes, TR was the best president ever.

    I cannot imagine where we would be without our roads. Without our laws. Is there anything wrong with this type of socialism?

    When I worked for the state, I encountered a rape victim. She was beaten up and was rapped. She was taken to the hospital by EMS.A rape kit was performed on her. You know what? She was CHARGED for the EMS service, the ER room and the RAPE KIT!! That is not right. Yes, socialism address these issues. She contacted victims assistance. Our JEB raided the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund so there was no money to pay for these services. However, the state did say that they would assist her AFTER the offender was found guilty. There was a warrant out for his arrest however, he absconded and was not found. In a socialist society, these issues are addressed. Her bills were turned over to a collection agency, her credit was ruined, and she bears horrible emotional scars. She does not have the money for mental health. Her life was ruined. All because she was a victim. This is a common story. Cases happen like this all over the US. The GOP talks about how they do not want to be like Canada. Well, in Canada, this Victim would of been cared for. Because you have a heart & you want to take care of your citizens, you are a socialist?

    I am all for a free market. If people were honest then a 100% free market would be a beautiful thing. Wow. It would be amazing. If people were not greedy, this country would be unstoppable. However, we have to have rules & regulations. Thanks to Phil Gramm, he was a part of this mess we are in. You cannot just blame the home buyers, credit card holders, etc. Our free market created the bulk of this mess. The greedy people caused this. And YES, they enjoy blaming Joe Q. public. So, Joe Q. Public has to bail out the big boys. You know, our government can send out hard earned money all over the world. However, once we ask for some of that money back, we are socialist. It is funny how out government favors “corporate welfare.” OK, we will give all sorts of crazy tax cuts to the richest people & corporations in America but we cannot provide health care for its citizens? According to the CDC’s comparative world figures on living standards the US ranked 29th in the world in infant mortality. Considering the GOP’s position on life, I find this statistic appalling. So, if a woman does not have health insurance, makes too much for medicaide, & cannot afford to go to a DR for prenatal care, what do we do? If we offered pre-natal care, then we would be offering socialized medicine? And that is evil in the eyes of the GOP because???? If they are pro-life, would not this care be protecting the life of the baby? No, we need a system that is affordable that anyone can buy into based upon their income. I do not understand why the GOP looks at this as something evil. This would protect life. Is that not what the GOP wants to do?

    Call me a communist, pinko, what ever. I do not care. Yes, I am a America. Yes, I do love my country. However, I do not love our leadership. Socialism is a part our society. We have to have it integrated with our capitalistic economy. However, the more we loose certain socialist ideas, and the more we hand over to corporate America, the more we loose as Americans. Now, Obama does not have the the experience for President of the United States. Congressman Dennis Kucinich & Governor Richardson were the most qualified on the democratic ticket. However, the press gave all the attention to Obama. So, that is who we are stuck with. No way will I vote for McCain. I DO believe that Obama will surround himself with people who are experienced.

    We have to talk. Forget about party lines. Everyone needs to talk, battle out their differences, compromise & sing Kumbaya.

    The bickering has to end. The communication has to begin. It is OK to agree to disagree. Freedom of speech is something I hold close to me heart. I just do not think that Joe the plumber & Joe six pack have the answers…

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