January 31st, 2015 – Book: ‘Last Mountain Man: Purgatory’ by W.W. Johnstone
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Jan.31, 2015, under Books
Purgatory by William W. Johnstone
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
As I read the Johnstone Clan’s The Last Mountain Man series from the start to this third in the series it becomes very apparent that the crafter of the tales is a far better storyteller than those handling the other parts of the series I’ve read so far. These three are all complex with interwoven threads that bind to make a solid story.
However, this one is not as well written as the first two. Specifically the first few chapters that are a mish-mosh of trying to retell the two previous books and start telling this one. One reason for this may be that this book came out the same year as the last and the one previous to it came out only months earlier. Chug-a-lugging these books seems to have strained production values.
The bulk of the book is still good, lacking the depth of the first two. The characters are especially well explained. Excellent work is done with a secondary character that is law enforcement that, over the course of the book, realizes what is really going on.
Despite the poorly written first chapters –
Bottom line: I recommend this book 7 of 10