Tag: Daniel Silva
October 4, 2009 – More books!
by Rob Smith, Jr. on Oct.04, 2009, under Books
Another set of books. ‘Glades County History’ is about one of the 67 counties in Florida. It’s well meaning but missing an enormous amount of time. Otherwise it is well written. ‘No House Limit’ is outstanding part of the Hard Case Crime series. This was written by someone living in Vegas and he does an amazing job of depicting the area. A good story, too. ‘Big Sugar’ is an NPR type crying in his coffee about horrendous conditions of workers and just ignoring who they’re working for. If the businesses are so horrible to treat people this way, then why not give the reader at least some benefit of the doubt that the knowledge gained would still have us outraged as to the workers treatment. I read this 20 years ago and I’m wiser now and see through the effort to just rile up the crowd. ‘The Messenger’ is another recent book that could have had about a hundred pages ripped out and still have been in excess. There’s a well crafted plot there, just over produced.